Cars - History - Legend - Stories - For Sale

History and Technical Information
If you have special historical or technical knowledge of the Lotus Seven or first hand knowledge about Lotus Cars in the 1950's and 60's, please feel free to contact SimpleSevens to discuss how your information might be presented here. I am particularly interested to hear first hand from individuals who have personal experiences involving Colin Chapman in "the early years".

SEVEN "AMERICA" ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS - By Grand Prix Imported Cars, 1961 -- get one now!
34TPF aka the 7/20 - David Porter on the 7/20 and its recreation
Peter Ross's Clairmonte Special - The original Lotus MKVII: A tribute to the late Peter Ross
Sy Kaback - A tribute biogrpahy and insight into a Lotus Dealer's life
Lotus Engineering: Year One - A brief introduction to the humble beginnings by Peter Ross
The T10 Axle - How many ways are there to brace your Axle?
Lotus at LeMans - An overview of the official and not so official entries compiled by John Watson

Cars - History - Legend - Stories - For Sale